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Gallery of Masonry Repairs and Special Projects

Here is our Gallery of typical Brick Repair and Special Projects. If you don’t see what you are interested in here, feel free to contact us to answer a question or help you understand what you are dealing with. Big or Small projects, simple or complex; we have done something like it. We have been in business since 1986 and our brick repair experts have seen it before. 

Brick and Mortar Matching

Bricks cut out for HVAC wiring repair.
Bricks cut out for HVAC wiring connection repair.
Bricks replaced and waiting for mortar to cure and match properly.
Repairs finished and waiting for mortar to dry and blend in.
Mortar properly cured leaving a good match.
Mortar has cured completely and new bricks and mortar match quite well
Make sure the Masonry Company you hire has the expertise to not leave you with a brick repair that  looks like a patch. 

Critical details about mortar matching here.

Fundamental Brick and Mortar repair everyone need to know is discussed here

Brick Doctor Completes a Variety of Specialty Masonry Projects.

Layout for Brick Fireplace addition on patio.
Customer requested a completely remodeled patio including a new outdoor fireplace..
New outdoor fireplace addition complete.
New Fireplace added. The corner column has been rebuilt to match the brick of the house. Not visible, is the addition of a chimney through the roof deck and roofing assembly. Make sure your chosen contractor has the full set of skilled craftsman available to complete quality work.
Customer wants to move a window and add new entry through brick exterior wall.
Customer wanted a door entry to replace a window and a new window to replace the former entry.
New window and new entry door have been installed through exterior brick walls.
A myriad of skills needed here beyond basic brick laying. Stud walls had to be altered, and electrical wiring rerouted, as well as lintels added to support wider openings.
Brick Doctor has Years of Experience with Completing a Wide Variety Specialty Construction and Specialty Repair Projects. 

More information on specialty projects is available here

We go into a great deal about mortar matching here.

Fundamental Brick and Mortar repair is discussed here

Before: Porous brick chimney crown is allowing water to penetrate chimney brick. Caulking patches on counter flashing reglet joint is an attempt to stop a leak in the interior.
Before: Brick Crown, poorly constructed with exposed gaps catching rain, has allowed water into the fireplace and home interior.
After: A new sloped concrete chimney crown is properly shedding water over the exterior of the chimney bricks.
After: Brick Crown has been rebuilt with a sloped concrete crown to shed water properly over the crown area and over the chimney sides.
Before: Quite seriously deteriorated brick chimney crown has allowed degradation of chimney brick. Interior structure is being damaged by water penetration through the brick.
Before: A completely deteriorated crown is letting water into the interior and damaging the remainder of the brick chimney.
After: New sloped concrete crown is protecting brick chimney from water penetration
After: Crown has been rebuilt with a properly sloping concrete crown.
Fireplace and Chimney Repairs are a Brick Doctor Specialty

More Information on Brick Chimney and Fireplace Component Problems and Solutions here.

Brick and Mortar Cracking Related to the Expansion of Brick as they age. 

Expansion cracking in brick and mortar at window frame and house corner.
Before: This brick wall section has suffered from brick expansion problems which has caused cracking and gaps. These gaps are oriented around a window frame hard point and a building corner.
Repairs to cracked brick and mortar. Bricks replaced as necessary. Mortar carefully matched to existing.
After: Cracked Brick and Mortar have been replaced and new repairs are well matched into the existing brick wall. The age of the home provided evidence that the stress in the brick creating the gaps and cracking has run its course and did not require an expansion joint.
Information on What causes brick and mortar to crack and what you can do about it starts here.

Brick Cleaning, Waterproofing and Using Proper Sealants.

Community Monument disfigured by moss and mildew caused by water penetration.
Before: Moss and Mildew has ruined the appearance of the Community Entry Signage and the screen wall section.
Community Monument carefully cleaned and sealed with appropriate sealer
After The Signage and brick screening wall has been carefully cleaned and fully restored to beauty.
Information on cleaning brick and applying proper sealants is here.

Retaining Wall Problems require Comprehensive Attention to Drainage as Well as Sound Brick Repair Practices

Water pressure from poorly designed retaining wall drainage has pushed out and damaged brick retaining wall.
Before: This retaining wall has failed, likely due to an insufficient drainage system.
Drainage issues have been solved and the brick retaining wall rebuilt with matching brick and mortar.
After: The corner has been relaid flush with existing wall using matching brick and mortar. Retaining walls should have gravel and fabric on the back side and weep holes on the front to allow drainage.
More information on Fundamental Brick and Mortar Repair is available here

Brick and Masonry Issues with Front Entries and Patios

Brick Entry is disfigured with deteriorated mortar and mismatched brick replacement.
Before: Front entry shows deteriorated mortar and mismatched brick. Front entry is unsightly
Deteriorated mortar has been ground out and tuck pointed and mismatched brick replaced.
After: The outer two courses relaid to repair the separation and sinking brick. All mortar on the patio has been replaced to provide uniformity.
Quality Brick and Mortar Repairs for Front Entries and Patios are critical for your home’s best appearance.

Specific Issues with repairs for front entries and patios is discussed here.

Repointing deteriorated mortar is discussed here

Brick and Mortar matching is critical for good looking, quality repairs. More info here.

A discussion on fundamental brick and mortar repair is available here.

Fireplace Firebrick Repair and Restoration

Outdoor fireplace has damaged fire brick, cracked mortar, and deep staining.
Before: This outdoor fireplace has housed some extreme heat, leaving broken fire brick, cracked mortar and heavy stains.
Outdoor firebox repair in progress. Broken firebrick have been removed.
During: The damaged sections are removed and discarded.
Brick Doctor Skilled mason is installing new firebrick in Herringbone pattern. A work in progress.
During: Kenny carefully placing the herringbone pattern back to the original design.
Outdoor fireplace firebox repair is complete.
After: laid and washed, this firebox is restored to its original beauty using new fire brick.
More Information on Firebox issues and solutions here

Brick Cracking Issues and Solutions

Brick and Mortar has cracked due to settlement in the concrete Foundation.
Before: Settlement stresses in the Brick Veneer has created a long crack through brick and mortar.
Bricks and Mortar have been replaced as necessary and an expansion joint has been added to relieve the stress of any further movement in the foundation. Careful attention was made to ensure proper brick and mortar matching.
After: Bricks were replaced and cracked joints were ground out and a much better mortar match has been added. This process is called repointing or tuck pointing. After repairs were complete, a control joint was cut and flexible caulking added to ideally take on future stress from ongoing settlement.
Settlement crack over the left edge of a garage opening lintel.
Before: Bricks and Mortar have cracked from settlement on the left edge of a flat arch over a garage opening.
Cracked Bricks and Mortar have been replaced over garage lintel and an expansion joint added to relieve any other movement in the lintel.
After: Cracked mortar has been ground out and cracked bricks replaced. A Flexible control joint, created with an elastomeric sealant, will absorb any further settlement stress which might occur.
Settlement crack in the brick wall due to foundation settling.
Before: The foundation has settled and created this settlement crack in the brick wall.
Repairs complete to cracked brick and mortar. An expansion joint has been added to absorb any other slight flexing in the foundation.
After: An addition of a flexible control joint here will help alleviate the stress in the wall so new brick and mortar should not crack again. Notice the great job of brick and mortar matching here as well as a well selected elastomeric sealant.
We have a Lot of Useful Information on this Site about why Bricks and Mortar Crack and Possible Solutions

Why do brick and mortar crack and what can you do about it?

Using Expansion and Control Joints to Relieve Stress Causing Brick & Mortar Cracking.

Repairing Damaged Brick and Mortar

Brick wall punched in by blunt impact.
Before: Brick wall punched in by impact.
Structural stud wall repairs complete and damaged brick and mortar has been repaired.
After: Brick Wall is repaired after structure repairs completed.
Field Stone at entry gate column has been side swiped and damaged.
Before: Field stone damaged and pulled out of place by errant vehicle.
Damaged Field Stone at entry gate has been replaced.
After: Field Stone and Mortar Replaced. Notice the great masonry and mortar matching.
Garage side wall has been struck and damaged. Stud wall is dislocated and brick cladding peeled back. Garage door is bashed in.
Before: A vehicle has seriously damaged the garage door and brick cladding. Stud walls have been damaged.
Repairs to damaged Garage side wall and brick and garage door complete.
After: Repairs to brick cladding and supporting stud walls is complete . The garage door has ben replaced.
Garage Brick side wall has been side swiped. Quoin corner brick are peeled back.
Before: Brick veneer with Quoin corners has been sideswipped and damaged.
Repairs to quoin corner Brick on garage complete
After: Repairs to brick cladding are complete.
Brick Doctor Brick Repair Specialists see a lot of damage inflicted on structures. We have years of experience handling the many tasks of making complete restoration.

More Details on Basic Brick and Mortar Repair are here.

Quality repairs to Damaged brick and mortar requires careful attention to proper matching of materials to existing. More Info here

Issues with Screen and Security Walls and Brick Fencing. 

Brick Screen wall around dumpster is damaged by impact with dumpster.
Before: A dumpster bumped the other side of this brick screening wall section and ruptured it.
Brick Dumpster Enclosure Screen Wall has been repaired.
After.: Brick screen wall has been rebuilt
Screen Wall Brick Column at a Community HOA has been damaged by impact.
Before: Damaged brick screen wall column
Brick HOA Screen Wall Column damage has been restored.
After: Here is the same screen wall and column after repairs
Brick Fence Column at gate entry shows damage by mortar deterioration and impact damage
Before: Screen wall and gate support column has absorbed water. Mortar has deteriorated and brick are loose. A light fixture has fallen out of column, but might be hard to spot... on the right edge.
Damage and Deterioration of Entry Gate Brick Column is complete.
After: Loose bricks have been disassembled and rebuilt. Light fixture has been reinstalled.
Brick Doctor diagnoses a lot of issues with masonry screening and security walls and brick fences.

We have detailed specification here for repairing a variety of ailments for screen walls or security walls, or brick fences. Our information is rather focused on HOA managersl; but if you are a home owner with brick fencing issues. you will find the information provided helpful. Again, that information is here

How Can We Help You?

Over the years, Brick Doctor has done just about everything when it comes to repairing and restoring brick and mortar.

The images provided here are just a small glimpse of the variety of brick repair and restoration projects we have undertaken since 1986. If we are not matching some concern you have, give us a call or send us and email and an attached image. 

We know what we are doing. Let us know if we can help you. Don’t take our word for it. (Check out our Reviews). And, even better, ask a neighbor for a recommendation. We have done tens of thousands of projects all over the DFW Metroplex since 1986, including for some of your neighbors.


Brick Doctor is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns or provide an estimate for repairs designed for the scope of your needs.

We look forward to assisting you. Reach out today. Contact us


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