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Masonry Arch Repairs

Brick or stone arches can add tremendous curb-appeal to any building, and have become increasingly popular in Dallas/Fort Worth home building since the 1980’s. However, many builders and masonry contractors have failed to properly apply the basic principles that insure a lasting and aesthetically pleasing design.

Countless arches in local metroplex homes are developing cracks and have loose brick or cast stone, or are falling down completely due to design flaws.

Let’s explore the types of Arches

First, here are semicircular arches

A semicircular arch has a true half-circle shape and effectively transfers the weight above the arch to the shoulders (abutments). They are also called parabolic arches.

Here is an example of a typical brick parabolic arch, beautifully framing this home’s entry way.

Therefore, in most cases the semicircular arch is structurally self-supporting. However, a major arch (spanning more than six feet) supported only by narrow columns of 12-16” wide—or abutments that are built on separate foundations—can cause even this structurally preferable design to fail.

The even more popular segmental arch (also descriptively called “eyebrow” arch) has a much flatter shape and imposes considerable sideways thrust on its abutments, which must be substantial enough to withstand this pressure. A segmental arch should not be built, for example, between narrow, unsupported columns.

For structural reasons, the rise of this arch should be between 1/12 and one-fourth of its span. The flatter and wider the arch, the more likely it is to develop problems, unless it is provided additional structural support.

This semicircular masonry archway failed because it was built on two separate foundations.

An abutment has shifted on this semi-circular arch caused the mortar to crack and the bricks to settle.

Narrow columns without proper stiffness has caused the catastrophic failure of the semicircular arch.

Proper Brick & Mortar matching is essential

Segmented or “Eyebrow” Arches are by far the most popular

A segmental arch should not be built, for example, between narrow, unsupported columns.

The even more popular segmental arch (also descriptively called “eyebrow” arch) has a much flatter shape and imposes considerable sideways thrust on its abutments, which must be substantial enough to withstand this pressure.

The flatter and wider the arch, the more likely it is to develop problems, unless it is provided additional structural support.

Eyebrow arches create an elegant look, but are more apt to develop problems than other designs.

Repair Methods for Brick Arches

Some may involve changing the dimensions or shape of the arch, or reinforcing the cavity inside the arch in order to gain structural advantages; others may need to be eliminated altogether in favor of a flat opening, with lintels to support the weight above.

Minor settling cracks above arches may not require extensive re-design work, but loose brick or cast stone can be quite dangerous and may require a broader scope of repair. Through the help of several structural engineers over the past 20 years, Brick Doctor has developed several arch repair techniques that have proven effective, even on the most difficult arch failures.

Expansion Joints help protect brick and mortar from cracking.

Cast stone tumbled into the entry way when this eyebrow arch failed.

Repairs complete. Cast stone was replaced by a soldier course of brick supported by a curved steel arch.

Cracks on this small segmental (eyebrow) arch had been previously repaired. Mortar is badly mismatched.

After Brick Doctor repairs to mortar and brick, this arch is restored to its original (circa 1930) beauty.

Here are images of an extensive eyebrow arch repair project

Red arrow shows the force vector being applied to the support column.

Here is the buckled column where the force vector from the dead weight of the eyebrow arch applied side pressure.

Here a plywood shear panel will support the replacement eyebrow arch. Columns have been replaced with steel pipe embedded in concrete and cement block.

Brick eyebrow arch redesign shown here in the final stages.

Completed Brick eyebrow arch looks great.

Here are a couple of arch way repair projects to give perspective on repair techniques

Custom wood beam is constructed to match the curved opening to support brick while mortar cures. The arch was supported by rebar and concrete for shear strength to support the weight of the wall.

Steel arch ties off to overhead beam for support to keep strain off the shoulders. The steel arch takes the dead weight of the brick off the side walls which had settled under the side load.

If applicable, rebuilding an arch onto a rolled steel lintel will ensure the arch can handle the weight of the masonry.

The rolled lintel will be visible under the arch, but can be painted to match the trim or color fo the masonry.

Can We Help with a Masonry Arch Concern?

Over the years, our Project Managers and Masonry Repair Specialists have designed and repaired hundreds of arches with excellent long-lasting results. We know what we are doing. Let us know if we can help you.

Don’t take our word for it. (Check out our Testimonials and Reviews). And, even better, ask a neighbor for a recommendation. We have done tens of thousands of projects all over the DFW Metroplex since 1986, including for some of your neighbors.


Have any particular questions or concerns about the condition of masonry arches and archways at your home? We can help.

Brick Doctor is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns or provide an estimate for repairs designed for the scope of your needs.

We look forward to assisting you. Reach out today. Contact us


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