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Brick and Mortar Repairs

Brick Doctor is the leading brick repair specialist in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We specialize in crack repairs and replacing broken brick due to foundation settling, vehicle damage, plumbing repair damage, and deterioration problems. These repairs involve several important details to insure they are both professional looking and long lasting.

Determining the Scope of Work

The first critical step in any repair is to properly identify what needs to be done. A Brick Doctor Project Manager can meet with you and help you determine a reasonable scope of work, based on your needs and wishes. Your desire to simply improve the appearance of your brick may alone determine your needs.

Some minor imperfections in your brickwork may not require repair at all, such as fine hairline cracks or minor erosion of mortar.

However, delaying other repairs could allow damage to other components of your home. For example, broken brick and cracked mortar joints wider than 1/16” (Can you insert a dime in the crack?) not only look bad, but can also allow water penetration with resulting damage to other construction materials behind the wall.

Brick Doctor can help you prioritize any necessary brick repair issues and give you a free written estimate for restoring your home’s brickwork to its original (or even improved) beauty and function.

Image contrasts the difference between hairline cracks in bricks and a structure crack running through bricks and mortar.
Some types of brick may inherently have tiny fissures, such as depicted above on the left image. These are minor shrinkage cracks formed during the manufacturing process, and are normal...considered to be part of the character of the brick. Cracks of any concern will extend through both the brick and mortar, as depicted on the right. Cracks wider than 1/16" are particularly concerning as they can allow water intrusion.

Vertical settlement crack through a brick veneer wall.

Bricks were replaced and cracked joints were ground out and a much better mortar match has been added. This process is called repointing or tuck pointing. After repairs were complete, a control joint was cut and flexible caulking added to ideally take on future stress from ongoing settlement.

Proper Brick Matching is essential.

Damaged, cracked, or severely deteriorated brick should almost always be sawed out of the wall and replaced with new units. If you don’t have extra matching bricks, leave it to us to find the best available match.

Brick Doctor’s large inventory of rare and hard-to-find brick, and expertise in finding or creating special colors and textures is critical to the process.

Trust us, “Brick that don’t match will look like a patch. ” Many of our projects include re-doing such repairs performed by others. Here are more tips on brick and mortar matching.

Repairing Mortar.

The technique for repairing mortar properly, or “repointing,” is similar to a dentist’s repair on a tooth’s cavity—the doctor doesn’t simply fill the cavity in a one-step procedure. Voids and deteriorated or cracked mortar joints must first be ground or chiseled out to a minimum depth of 5/8” and the cavity cleaned out thoroughly. We have more information on repointing deteriorated mortar here.

For repairs, mortar should be pre-shrunk, and the cavity moistened before placing the new mortar. These steps take additional time but help to insure proper bonding of the original mortar to the new mortar, and helps prevent shrinking as it dries. Mortar should be custom-blended to match existing, without using unauthorized additives such as latex.

Any additive should first be approved by a proper governing authority to insure that it meets industry standards for strength and durability. (For further details, go to Brick Institute of America site , and then go to technical notes, mortar, additives).

Expansion Joints.

Most Metroplex city building codes now require vertical expansion joints to be placed in brick walls on new construction to help prevent settling cracks. These “seams” in the walls are quite effective when spaced properly, and can also be added to existing homes and buildings that have suffered from foundation settling.

After the crack and brick repairs are completed, expansion joints can be cut completely through the brick and mortar, and caulk joints created. This allows minor expansion and contraction of the adjacent veneer walls without re-cracking the brick and mortar joints.

Here more details on installing expansion and control joints. 

“Hind-sight is 20-20,” so it’s a good idea to add one or more where you know settling problems exist, usually under windows or in the middle of a long wall, such as on the side of the garage. This represents an additional expense, but should be considered preventive maintenance since it often eliminates the need to repair cracks to the same areas over and over again.

Even if you are considering selling your home, it may give you peace of mind that you are transferring the property without significant risk that the brick may re-crack.

Can We Help with a Question or Concern about Your Brick and Mortar?

Over the years, Brick Doctor has done just about everything when it comes to repairing and restoring brick and mortar. We know what we are doing. Let us know if we can help you.

Don’t take our word for it. (Check out our testimonials and reviews). And, even better, ask a neighbor for a recommendation. We have done tens of thousands of projects all over the DFW Metroplex since 1986, including for some of your neighbors.

Have any particular questions or concerns about brick or stone or mortar at your home? We can help.

Brick Doctor is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns or provide an estimate for repairs designed for the scope of your needs.

We look forward to assisting you. Reach out today. Contact us


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