Brick Doctor Featured at 2011 BBB Customer Service Luncheon
Each of the three companies have won the Fort Worth BBB Integrity Award within the past five years. Brick Doctor won the award in 2009; Atlas Foundation in 2006; and 2Jays Automotive was presented the award at this luncheon as the 2011 recipient. Jay and Janice Tims of 2J’s sat at the same table with the Brick Doctor representatives, who enjoyed learning a little of their story of how they build trust with their automotive customers.
After short speeches by Jennings, Ford, and Jay Tims, the panel answered questions about customer service from the moderator while the sold out crowd enjoyed a barbecue lunch.
He also described his “flat organizational structure,” and values-based approach, made possible by investing heavily in great employees. “Yes, they absolutely must have excellent technical skills, but equally important is that they are men and women of great moral character.”
Jennings feels Brick Doctor has the most talented masonry managers and craftsmen in the region, but even more importantly, they have proven trustworthy and capable of handling even the most delicate customer relationships. He says, “We empower [our managers] to make customer service decisions on the jobsite because they understand that doing the right thing trumps our other objectives.”
Daryl Ford was also very proud of his key team of managers and supervisors, stating “‘They have been with the Ford Family for years, and I want them here as long as I am a part of this company.”
The Better Business Bureau plans to add more lunches to their schedule. You can keep track of the Fort Worth branch by visiting the Fort Worth BBB news page.